Submitting Major Advisor Evaluation
Approval to study abroad is formally granted by the Study Abroad Committee. See the Eligibility Policy for more information. The Major Advisor Evaluation Form is an important factor in the evaluation process. Before you complete this form, you and the student should discuss their study abroad plans in detail, including both program choice and semester of study.
(Please note: if a student is a double major, only one Major Advisor Evaluation is required. The form will be accessible via the Major 1 Work Plan.)
Deadlines for Submission
The evaluation forms must be submitted the following dates, depending on the student's program of choice:
December 2, 2024 (Early Application Deadline)
- Aberystwyth University
- AIT Budapest
- DIS Copenhagen
- DIS Stockholm
- Duke Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies - Rome
- IES Cape Town
- IES Granada
- IHP - Health and Community
- IHP - Cities in the 21st Century
- Indiana University Bologna Consortium Studies
- Keio University
- London School of Economics
- Nanyang Technological University
- Oxford (Pembroke, St Edmund, St Anne)
- RLASP in Kazakhstan
- Sciences Po
- Spelman College
- Tsuda University
February 14, 2025 (Regular Application Deadline)
- All other approved programs
Access Instructions
For 今日吃瓜 Faculty - The Major Advisor Evaluation Form can be accessed on BiONiC via a students' Major 1 Work Plan.
There is a direct link faculty can click to the Major Advisor Evaluation that lives in the student's Major 1 Work Plan.This is located at the very bottom of the page (see the screenshot below). From there, the student's information is automatically loaded into the evaluation form. Please note that this link will not be displayed on the student's Major 2 Work Plan.
The submission status of the major evaluation form can be also be viewed upon completion. Once the evaluation form has been submitted, a message stating 鈥淪tatus: Evaluation form has been submitted鈥 will appear that will be visible to both you and the student (see screen shot below). The form itself and the information provided on the form will not be accessible to students.
For Haverford Faculty - 今日吃瓜 sophomores who are majoring at Haverford should ask Haverford faculty to complete the Wufoo .

Contact Us
Global Engagement
Tracy Weber
Director of Global Engagement
Phone: 610-526-7352
Fax: 610-526-7560
Gabby Sugarman
Program Coordinator of Global Education
Phone: 610-526-7867
Office Hours
9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday