Purchases and Payments

Purchasing and Accounts Payable share responsibility for processing purchases and making payments for the College.  We are located in the Controller's Office, Gateway third floor. 

Purchases of products and some services are done by using the shopping process in the College's e-procurement system called E-Market. Purchases for travel and entertainment are done using a College credit card or with personal funds.

Invoice payments made to outside vendors are processed in E-Market.

Reimbursements for out-of-pocket expenses can be paid to employees, students and guests. Other payments can also be made such as guest honorariums and payments to foreign vendors in foreign currency. Fellowships can be paid to students to aid in the pursuit of their own studies.

To help you determine the correct account number to use to charge expenses, including prepaid expenses, refer to documents on the Glossary and Terminology page. 

In addition to the Payment/Reimbursement Guidelines summary, a detailed Expense and Reimbursement policy is available.

FAQs Payment/Reimbursement Guidelines Finance Key Contacts Expense Policy Technology Purchasing Policy