Time Away
Personal Leave of Absence
A student in good academic standing can take a break from their studies to explore non-academic interests or attend to personal matters impacting their ability to engage in coursework at the College.
Students should schedule an with Academic Support to discuss the circumstances impacting their ability to engage in coursework and determine which type of personal leave is right for the current situation. The circumstances impacting a student must not meet the criteria of the health or academic leaves of absence to be classified as a personal leave of absence.
Planned Personal Leave
Students may plan to take a personal leave in an upcoming semester; they will need to successfully complete their academic work in the semester prior to taking the leave. Students are eligible to request a personal leave in the subsequent semester up until the Friday before the start of classes each semester.
Unplanned Personal Leave
Students may go on a personal leave to address unplanned and pressing personal and/or familial issues that arose after the semester has begun. Students will withdraw from all their coursework in the current semester to address the circumstances that led to their decision to take time away.
In some cases, the decision to take an unplanned personal leave mid-semester may need to be made immediately in consultation with a student's class dean or another support staff member on campus. In those cases, students can schedule an for after they have moved off-campus.
Students on a personal leave are expected to address the circumstances that led to taking time away from the College and to prepare for a return to full-time study following their leave. Students on personal leaves may take time away from their academics to explore their interests or attend to personal matters. As the leave progresses, students are encouraged to engage in activities like employment, volunteering, and/or participation in coursework at another institution.
Students who hope to study full-time at another institution should apply instead for Study Abroad or domestic Study Away. Students are only allowed to take up to 2 courses per term while away for transfer credit.
Students who choose to take coursework at another institution for transfer credit should refer to the Transfer Credit Policy on the Registrar's website and may consult with the Office of Academic Support in a consultation meeting.
Students should do the following as they consider taking coursework at another institution for transfer credit:
- Review the expectations detailed in the Transfer Credit Policy.
- Review courses that are available at institutions local to the student's home that are of interest.
- Reach out to the instructors teaching those courses for a copy of the syllabus.
- Complete the and wait for approval from the Registrar's office.
- If the student is interested in getting a course from another institution applied to their major requirements, they should consult with their major advisors as well.
- Follow the procedures for the enrolling in courses at the other institution as a non-matriculated, guest, or continuing education student.
- Submit copies of the official transcripts to the Registrar's Office.
Students who take personal leaves may apply to return by submitting a re-enrollment application.
Health Leave of Absence
A student may need to take time away from the college to address medical or psychological concerns that interfere with their health and well-being, personal and academic success, and their capacity to thrive at the College. Students on a health leave should consider a minimum of one (1) full semester away from the College.
To initiate a health leave, students may consult with their dean, the Office of Academic Support, and/or a member of the medical or counseling staff at the Health and Wellness Center. If students work with medical or mental health professionals outside of the College, students should ask their providers to speak with the Director of Medical Services or the Director of Counseling Services as they prepare for taking a health leave from the College.
Occasionally, a staff member at the College who works closely with the student may recommend that a student take a health leave. In such cases, a student may decline and attempt to address their circumstances while remaining enrolled.
While on a health leave, students are expected to receive appropriate care, address the circumstances that led to their leave, and develop new strategies to through sustained treatment and/or meaningful work.
As the leave progresses, students are encouraged to engage in activities that test their strategies and demonstrate their ability to maintain challenging situations, such as employment, volunteering, and/or taking courses as a guest student at another institution at home while they are on leave.
Students are only allowed to take up to 2 courses per term while away for transfer credit. Students who choose to take coursework at another institution for transfer credit should refer to the Transfer Credit Policy on the Registrar's website and may consult with the Office of Academic Support in a consultation meeting.
Students should do the following as they consider taking coursework at another institution for transfer credit:
- Review the expectations detailed in the Transfer Credit Policy.
- Review courses that are available at institutions local to the student's home that are of interest.
- Reach out to the instructors teaching those courses for a copy of the syllabus.
- Complete the and wait for approval from the Registrar's office.
- If the student is interested in getting a course from another institution applied to their major requirements, they should consult with their major advisors as well.
- Follow the procedures for the enrolling in courses at the other institution as a non-matriculated, guest, or continuing education student.
- Submit copies of the official transcripts to the Registrar's Office.
To return from a leave of absence, students will complete an application for re-enrollment and must submit a healthcare provider assessment form to the Director of Counseling and/or Medical Services. This form can be found on the Return website under "Additional Requirements for Returning from a Health Leave of Absence."
In deciding when a student can return, the College’s Re-Enrollment Committee will consult with the Directors of Medical and Counseling Services to make an individualized assessment of the student’s readiness to return.
It is important to note that if a student takes a health leave when a semester is in-progress, they will not be permitted to submit a re-enrollment application for the following semester.
There may be instances in which the Dean of Student Life will convene a confidential evaluation committee composed of representatives from the Health and Wellness Center, the Residential Life, and the Student Life and Student Success teams to make a holistic and individualized assessment of whether to mandate a health leave of absence for a student.
The Dean of Student Life will do so if it appears that the student may be:
- presenting a substantial risk of harm to self or others,
- significantly disrupting educational or other activities of the College community,
- unable to participate meaningfully in educational activities,
- requiring a level of care from the College community which exceeds the resources and staffing that the College can reasonably be expected to provide for the student’s wellbeing,
- and/or, presenting other evidence of insufficiently good physical or psychological health to meet academic commitments or to continue in residence at the College.
In evaluating the need to mandate a leave, this specially convened committee may consult with the class dean and other community members as the committee deems appropriate. At the student’s request, the committee may consider psychological and medical assessments made by the student’s providers as well as the College’s Health and Wellness Center staff.
The committee convened by the Dean of Student Life will also consider alternative interventions, such as reducing the student’s course load. If the committee determines that these alternatives are insufficient or impractical and that time away is necessary, they will require that a student take a health leave. The committee's decisions are final. The Dean of Student Life may place a student on an immediate and interim health leave of absence until the evaluation committee can complete its process. Students on interim health leaves may not return to campus until the leave is lifted.
Academic Leave of Absence
When a student is facing considerable difficulties with making progress towards completing their degree requirements at the College, they are reviewed by the Committee on Academic Standing at the conclusion of each semester.
An academic leave allows for students on warning and probation to take time away from the College to engage in the work prescribed by the Committee on Academic Standing and to resolve the circumstances that led to the leave.
An academic leave may be initiated by the student or mandated by the Committee on Academic Standing. Academic leaves will last a minimum of one semester, but a student may be required to take one full academic year away by the Committee on Academic Standing.
Students are also encouraged to engage in activities that test their strategies, demonstrate their ability to manage challenging situations, maintain progress towards completing their degree requirements, and/or demonstrate their ability to successfully engage in coursework. The Committee on Academic Standing will send the students a detailed letter with expectations about the length of the leave and requirements of return, which may include taking coursework at other institutions.
Students are allowed to take up to 2 courses per term while away for transfer credit. The Committee on Academic Standing may expect students to take a specific number of courses throughout the duration of the leave. Students should not enroll in any coursework without approval from the Registrar's office that the course is eligible for transfer credit to ensure that they are meeting the expectations in the CAS letter.
Students should refer to the Transfer Credit Policy on the Registrar's website and may consult with the Office of Academic Support in a consultation meeting on meeting CAS expectations.
Students should do the following as they consider taking coursework at another institution for transfer credit:
- Review the expectations detailed in the Transfer Credit Policy.
- Review courses that are available at institutions local to the student's home that are of interest.
- Reach out to the instructors teaching those courses for a copy of the syllabus.
- Complete the and wait for approval from the Registrar's office.
- If the student is interested in getting a course from another institution applied to their major requirements, they should consult with their major advisors as well.
- Follow the procedures for the enrolling in courses at the other institution as a non-matriculated, guest, or continuing education student.
- Submit copies of the official transcripts to the Registrar's Office.
Students who take academic leaves may apply to return by submitting a re-enrollment application. Official transcripts for coursework taken at other institutions must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office prior to submitting an application, or the application will not be reviewed by the Re-Enrollment Committee.
If courses are in-progress when re-enrollment applications are due, students should submit the scores on graded assignments and/or a letter of support from their professor(s)/instructor(s) about engagement in the course(s). The student may be approved to return, albeit conditionally, provided that an official transcript be submitted by the deadline detailed in the approval letter from the Re-Enrollment Committee.
Impactful Time Away Consultations
Students considering taking a leave while still enrolled at the College or are currently on leaves of absence are required to participate in a minimum of one (1) . This consultation should either be before going on leave or within one month of taking time away from the College. The Office of Academic Support works with students to ensure that their time away from the College feels successful, rewarding, rejuvenating, and/or productive. Students are eligible to engage in one (1) consultation per month throughout the duration of their leave of absence. No matter how a student chooses to spend their time away, the Office of Academic Support is available to support students.
- Discuss what circumstances are impacting their ability to engage thoughtfully and proactively in their courses.
- Review the types of leaves and the expectations of return.
- Discuss what they hope to gain from taking time away from the College.
- Consider the impact taking a leave may have on their progress towards completing degree requirements at the College.
- Brainstorm ways to prioritize their rest, recuperation, and well-being, such as seeing a mental health or physical health provider.
- Explore how to focus on current or to discover new passions, hobbies, skills, and interests outside of academics.
- Consider engaging in productive pursuits, like employment, volunteering, and/or coursework at other institutions.

Contact Us
Office of Academic Support
Office of Academic Support
Campus Center First Floor
Phone: 610-526-5375