Anti-Oppression Resources for Learning, Reflection, and Action

½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï's mission states that the College has "a commitment to racial justice and equity across all aspects of diversity." Active civic engagement, whether through direct service, advocacy, or activism, is one way that ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï students embody their values and demonstrate their individual and collective commitment to social justice.  To honor and support that commitment, we are providing the list below of resources for learning, reflection, and action.

Resources for Student Activists and Protesters

  • (Source:  Black Lives Matter, Seattle--King County)
  •  (Source: Amnesty International)
  •  (Enter your address to find your elected representatives, how to contact them, bills they've introduced, committees they serve on, and political contributions they've received. Source: Common Cause)
  • (Source:
  • (bias-interruption tool that shows key language patterns in written content that impact how readers will react.)
  • (Source: LinkedIn)

​​​Education/Reading Resources 

  •  (Source: New York Times
  • (Source: Simmons College)
  • (Source: Showing Up For Racial Justice)
  • (Source: The Atlantic)
  • (Source: American Friends Service Committee) 
  •  (Resources from the Obama Foundation for social justice, anti-racism and police reform)  
  •  (This guide is intended to provide general information about anti-oppression, diversity, and inclusion as well as information and resources for social justice issues)
  • (Source: Campus Compact Minnesota)
  • (Source: Sunshine Behavioral Health)
  • (Source: Pepperdine Online Programs)

Public Addresses, TEDTalks, Podcasts, etc.

  •  (A message from , Vice Provost for Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer, University of Michigan) 
  • , Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • , Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • (Source:  TIME)

Philadelphia-Specific Resources 

  •  (Supporting protesters and ending cash bail in Philadelphia) 
  • (Source: Philly Voice)
  • (Source: Philadelphia Sunday SUN)

If you have suggestions for resources you would like to see included, please email Civic Engagement at


Contact Us

The Career & Civic Engagement Center

Phone: 610-526-5174