Self-Scheduled Exams
Spring 2025 Schedule & Exam List (last updated 2/27/2025)
Self-Scheduled Exam Days & Times:
Seniors |
Date | Morning | Afternoon | Evening | |||
Monday, May 5 |
No Morning Exams |
2:00-5:00 pm |
No Evening Exams |
Tuesday, May 6 |
9:30 am-12:30 pm |
2:00-5:00 pm |
No Evening Exams |
Wednesday, May 7 |
9:30 am-12:30 pm |
2:00-5:00 pm |
7:00-10:00 pm |
Thursday, May 8 |
9:30 am-12:30 pm |
2:00-5:00 pm |
7:00-10:00 pm |
Friday, May 9 |
9:30 am-12:30 pm |
2:00-5:00 pm |
No Evening Exams |
Saturday, May 10** |
9:30 am-12:30 pm |
2:00-5:00 pm |
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**Last Senior Exams |
All Other Students |
Date | Morning | Afternoon | Evening | |||
Monday, May 5 |
No Morning Exams |
2:00-5:00 pm |
No Evening Exams |
Tuesday, May 6 |
9:30 am-12:30 pm |
2:00-5:00 pm |
No Evening Exams |
Wednesday, May 7 |
9:30 am-12:30 pm |
2:00-5:00 pm |
7:00-10:00 pm |
Thursday, May 8 |
9:30 am-12:30 pm |
2:00-5:00 pm |
7:00-10:00 pm |
Friday, May 9 |
9:30 am-12:30 pm |
2:00-5:00 pm |
No Evening Exams |
Saturday, May 10 |
9:30 am-12:30 pm |
2:00-5:00 pm |
No Evening Exams |
Sunday, May 11 |
No Morning Exams |
2:00-5:00 pm |
No Evening Exams |
Monday, May 12 – Thursday, May 15 |
9:30 am-12:30 pm |
2:00-5:00 pm |
No Evening Exams |
Friday, May 16 |
9:30 am-12:30 pm |
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Pick up and return exams to the upper level of Guild Hall. Plan on arriving several minutes prior to your exam time to allow for time to go to the exam room.
Self-scheduled exams can be taken in the following rooms:
Taylor B*, C, D, E, F, G, & Seminar
Park 243, 336*, 337*, 338
*denotes open book/open note only
Note: Students receiving accommodations through Access Services, please click here to see self-scheduled exam times, locations, and instructions.
Exam List
Subject | Catalog | Section | Course Title | Instructor |
ANTH | B102 | 001 | Intro to Cultural Anthropology | Fioratta,Susanna |
ANTH | B234 | 001 | Forensic Anthropology | Seselj,Maja |
ANTH | B283 | 001 | The Living Primates | Kralick PhD,Alexandra E. |
BIOL | B202 | 001 | Neurobiology | Shoenhard,Hannah M. |
BIOL | B221 | 001 | Invasion Biology | De Bona,Sebastiano |
BIOL | B236 | 001 | Evolution | Davis,Gregory Keith |
BIOL | B330 | 001 | Ecological Modeling | De Bona,Sebastiano |
CHEM | B101 | 001 | Problem Solving in Chemistry | Watkins,Lisa Marie |
CHEM | B104 | 002 | General Chemistry II | Kung,Yan |
CMSC | B151 | 001 | Intro to Data Structures | Dinella,Elizabeth A. |
CMSC | B231 | 001 | Discrete Mathematics I | Zhou,Yuxin |
CMSC | B340 | 001 | Analysis of Algorithms | Xu,Yilun |
CNSE | B004 | 001 | Second-Year Chinese | Zhang,Changchun |
CNSE | B004 | 002 | Second-Year Chinese | Zhang,Changchun |
FREN | B002 | 002 | Elementary French | Ragueneau,Corine M |
FREN | B002 | 003 | Elementary French | Suaudeau,Julien Mathieu |
FREN | B004 | 001 | Intermediate French | Suaudeau,Julien Mathieu |
FREN | B004 | 002 | Intermediate French | Ragueneau,Corine M |
FREN | B105 | 001 | Directions de France contemp | Leclere-Gregory,Camille |
GERM | B102 | 001 | Intermediate German | Shen,Qinna |
HART | B161 | 001 | SurveyContemp Art & Theory | Feliz,Matthew C. |
INST | B101 | 001 | Intro to International Studies | Denning,Nicholas Carby |
INST | B220 | 001 | Poli. Ecology & Enviro Justice | Denning,Nicholas Carby |
MATH | B101 | 001 | Calculus I | Chu,Olivia J. |
MATH | B102 | 001 | Calculus II | Sudparid,Daisy |
MATH | B102 | 002 | Calculus II | Sudparid,Daisy |
MATH | B104 | 001 | Probability and Statistics | Sudparid,Daisy |
MATH | B104 | 002 | Probability and Statistics | Cheng,Leslie C. |
MATH | B203 | 001 | Linear Algebra | Kasius,Peter G. |
MATH | B203 | 002 | Linear Algebra | Kasius,Peter G. |
MATH | B295 | 002 | Topics in Mathematics | Higgins Dunham,Penelope |
MATH | B295 | 003 | Topics in Mathematics | Dunham,William Wade |
MEST | B215 | 001 | Iran: History & Politics | Salikuddin,Rubina K. |
PHIL | B103 | 001 | Introduction to Logic | Prettyman,Adrienne |
PHYS | B102 | 002 | Introductory Physics II | Arena,Evan J. |
PHYS | B309 | 001 | Adv Electromagnetic Theory | Noel,Michael |
POLS | B131 | 001 | Intro to Comparative Politics | Sasmaz,Muharrem Aytug |
RUSS | B002 | 001 | Elementary Russian | Shaw,Jane Robin; Walsh,Irina K. |
RUSS | B202 | 001 | Advanced Russian | Walsh,Irina K. |
SPAN | B216 | 001 | Intro lingüÃstica hispánica | Berard,Kaylea Blaise |

Contact Us
Office of the Registrar
101 N. Merion Ave.
½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5142
Fax: 610-526-5139