GSAS Students
Starting in Fall 2021 or Before

(History of Art)

(Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)

Nina Blomfield
(History of Art)

Kathryn Breyer
(Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)

Illizt Castillo
(Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)

Tracey Cian
(Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)

Jeffrey Cumonow
(Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)

Gregory Feldman

Mallory Fitzpatrick
(Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)

Kari Fossum
(Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)

Stella Fritzell
(Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)

Reya George
(Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)

Elena Gittleman
(History of Art)

Jenni Glaser
(Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)

(History of Art)

Margaret Hankel
(History of Art)

Elliot Krasnopoler
(History of Art)

Michael Kriege
(Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)

Devin Lawson
(Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)

Emily Leifer
(History of Art)

Seth Levin
(Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)

Yusi Liu
(Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)

Ashley Mason
(Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)

Olivia McAuley

Danielle Pigeon
(History of Art)

Clare Rasmussen
(Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)

Dee Reisinger

Kathryn Rosenthal
(History of Art)

Dalton Sala
(Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)

Andrea Samz-Pustol
(Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)

Emily Schwartz
(Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)

Emily Shoyer
(History of Art)

Megan Sligar
(Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)

Mary Somerville
(Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies)

Sarah Spielman

Lala St. Fleur
(Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology)

AJ Vargas

Dalena Vien

James Vogel

Alexis White
(History of Art)

Savannah Williams